Frequently Asked Question

How do I (student) log into my ASAP account? (reset password)
Last Updated 3 years ago

FUHSD Adult School uses the ASAP registration system.  Students who register online created accounts, however students who where registered on the phone or in the office will need to do a password reset in order to access there ASAP information online.

Step 1:  Go to the registration page and select "Login"


Step 2: Select "Forgot my password"


Step 3: Enter the email address you receive ASAP notifications on (Not your account if you are a CAEP program student)


Step 3a: If you receive the "We do't recognize that email address, please try again/" error call the mainline (408) 522-2700 and have them change your account email to match your current email account.


Step 4:  From your email account find the email sent to you and click on the "Click here" option


Step 5: Enter your desired password on both lines and select update


Step 6:  You are now on your account page


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