Frequently Asked Question

How do I automatically sort email? (Webmail)
Last Updated 4 years ago

Automatically sorting email or telling the email system to place all email from a specific sender into a specific folder requires a Rule. You need to use the web email system to create these rules ( )

Step 1: Create the folder you would like mail automatically sorted into, on the right hand column right click on your inbox and select "Create new folder"


Step 2: Goto the gear and select "Options"


Step 3: On the right hand column select "Inbox and sweep rules"


Step 3: Under Inbox rules select the plus to create a new rule


Step 4: Name the rule and select "It was received from"


Step 5: Enter the email address right next to "It was received from" Chances are you have no contacts to search through.


Step 6: under "Do all of the following" Select "Move, copy, or delete" then "Move the message to folder.."


Step 7: Select the folder you created in step 1


Step 8: Select OK at the top of screen


Step 9: Close the options tab and the rule is not in effect. All email from the address recieved in the future will automatically goto the folder you created. Note you may want to search your inbox for that email address select all and move them into the folder, as the new rule will not affect email allready recieved.

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