Frequently Asked Question

1 -1 Remote testing using a phone and FUHSD owned chromebook simultaneously
Last Updated 4 years ago


Testing where the proctor is using a computer with zoom, and the chrome browser.  The student is using a school-issued laptop to test and a cell phone or other device with a camera running zoom.  The proctor will communicate with the student over zoom running on the test management station.  


  • Proctor: has a computer with a webcam running zoom and the eTests management console. 
    • For this training, we will refer to the school-owned Chromebook as the test machine and the proctor's computer as the management machine.
  • Student: Is using a school-owned Chromebook and a cell phone capable of running the Zoom client with video.

Prior to start

  • Proctor logs into ASAP and looks up student ID, writing down the ID for future reference


  • On the management machine; Log into eTests Management Console and start the appropriate Open Lab testing session. Remember to choose the “Start remote session” for the start option. (Steps)
  • On the management machine add the Chromebook to the testing session. The student will not be entering the station code, the proctor will connect the Chromebook using the Chromebook machine name from the back of our chromebook. (Steps)
  • On management, machine launch Zoom, and start zoom meeting for the testing session. (Steps)
  • Connect with the student you will be testing.  The student will be running zoom on their phone and needs to be prepared to prop the phone up facing them while they are testing.
  • Have the student launch etest on the school-owned Chromebook. (Steps)
  • Verbally walk the student through all pre-test slide show, verify the student is able to click next, and start the test.
  • Once a student has started the test, mute your microphone but continue to monitor the test.
  • Once the student has finished the test thank the student for taking the test and end the zoom session.

Done Testing

  • On the management machine, stop the testing session and logout of Casas tests (Steps)

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