Frequently Asked Question

Welcome New FUHSD Adult School Staff Member
Last Updated 5 years ago

As an FUHSD Adult School staff member, you are required to log in and use several FUHSD systems. The two systems you will use most often are Email and ASAP.

All staff members have a professional email account on the server. This email account is used in all the automated services to communicate important information with staff members such as; contracts, class rosters, and messages from Coordinating Teachers. All staff members are advised to check the FUHSD email on a regular basis and encouraged to set up personal devices to access this account.

All systems are connected with a unified login utilizing Active Directory (AD), which means the username and password is consistent between various accounts and if you change your password it changes all other accounts.

Staff Resources: Links to all the staff resources are available on the school website. Go-to and click on staff, which is located on the top right-hand side of the page.


Technical Support: All staff has access to the technical support system located at you do not need to log in in order to submit a support request. The support site also features a knowledge base with step by step instructions to the most commonly requested tasks


Staff Email: FUHSD webmail server, this system is a backup with your primary email viewing on your devices or computers email client.Login: Active Directory login formatted with an ace\ in front of the username. (How to login to webmail)

Google Workspace: the FUHSD google docs system. Features Google office applications and unlimited storage for files, images, and video. Shared Google documents with the school community must be created and shared from the fuhsd google account and not personal ones. (How to log into Google Workspace)

Office 365: As a staff member you have a full license for Microsoft Office 365, including the ability to install the office programs on up to 4 personal computers. Goto and login in using your full email address and password (How to log into Office365)

ASAP: Our student management and attendance system. ASAP uses Active Directory but it will ask you for an Organization ID. (How to log into ASAP)

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