Frequently Asked Question

How do I set my password after a password reset?
Last Updated 2 years ago

How do I set my password after a password reset?

New passwords are only a one time use password into the web email system, you need to set your new password.  You must change you password in order to log into anything attached to your google account.  Here are the steps to setup your new password.

Note:  This method has been depreciated and replaced with the new FUHSD password reset utility  Staff members with school laptops MUST use the new password reset tool.  Contract employees using personal computers this method still works.

Step 1:  Go to


Step 2: In the "Domain\user name" box enter ace\ then your username; for example ace\digbe_hathaway


Step 3: Enter your password and click "sign in"


Step 4: The system swill now ask you to change your password


Step 5: Enter you current password (not you desired password) first


Step 6: Enter your new password, the password needs to be at least 8 characters with a capital letter, a lowercase letter, a number, and a special character
P@ssw0rd is an example (do not use this as it is a popular password used by hackers)


Step 7:  Enter your new password a second time to verify and click "submit"


Step 8: Select "OK"


Step 9: The system will force you to log in again to verify your new password


Step 10:  You are done!  Please note it can take up to an hour before your new password will work on Google authenticated services.


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