Frequently Asked Question

How do I use my own device on campus
Last Updated 10 months ago

How do I connect my device to the wifi network?

To use your device on our campus, you must do the following

  • The device must be five years or younger
  • The device must have all available operating system and driver updates installed.
  • You must be the computer administrator or have the admin username and password with you.
  • If possible, install the Securely cert before coming to class

You will need your username and password to connect.  Your username is the part of our student email before the, so the username is johnd1234.

You should log into the Chrome browser using your account. This will allow Chrome to automatically log you into your class resources without needing to log in repeatedly. It will also create a set of resource links on your BookMarks bar.

Note:  Older equipment is not compatible with our Secured wifi network.  Due to the expansive hardware types, operating systems, and small screens, we cannot support using phones as a device, and many of our systems do not format properly.

Select your device

Macbook Pro Laptop
ChromebookMac OS XWindows 10 & 11

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